Brake Cleaner Substitute [Top 7 Alternative Cleaners for your Brakes]

Using brake cleaners poses several risks to the environment and human health. The chemicals in brake cleaner can contaminate soil and waterways if not disposed of properly. If inhaled or ingested, they can also cause respiratory and skin irritation, dizziness, and nausea. Here are some relatively safer alternatives to brake cleaners that you can use: … Keep reading

Black Pepper in Radiator: Does it Work?

Radiator leaks can cause the engine to overheat and potentially cause serious damage. While there are many ways to fix a radiator leak, one method that has gained some popularity is using black pepper to seal the leak. But does it actually work? Yes, fixing a radiator leak with black pepper works but it’s a … Keep reading

Problems After Using Cataclean? Here’s A Solution

problems after using cataclean

The Cataclean fuel additive is a popular product that promises to clean your fuel system and make it run better. It even claims to improve your gas mileage and power, but is all of this true? What are the side effects of using Cataclean? These are some of them: 1. Wear on Engine Parts One … Keep reading

How To Check The Oil On A Mini Cooper

how to check the oil on a mini cooper

Car oil is an essential element in every vehicle because it helps to keep your engine lubricated and it prevents your cooper from wearing down quickly. It also keeps your car engine clean, reducing dirt accumulation and overheating. It is necessary to check your engine oil on a regular basis to avoid a situation where … Keep reading