Car Revving in Park

When you park your car or come to a stoplight or stop sign, you expect your car’s engine to idle smoothly and consistently. However, if your car’s engine is revving in park, it can be a concerning and annoying issue.  A revving engine can put unnecessary strain on the engine’s components, leading to premature wear … Keep reading

Bad Radiator Symptoms

Your car’s radiator is one of its most important components, but it’s also one you may take for granted. The job of a radiator is to transfer heat from the engine and coolant fluid through the vehicle’s plumbing and into the air that flows around it. It helps to keep your engine at an optimal … Keep reading

Car Swaying Side to Side? Causes & How To Fix

repair work being done a car swaying side to side

Worn-out shocks or uneven tire wear may cause your car to sway from side to side. In either of these situations, a change of the shocks or tires may be required to fix the issue. Other reasons why your car would sway include worn tie rods, uneven tire pressure, and steering issues. Let’s have a … Keep reading

RPM Fluctuation While Driving [Causes & How to Fix]

When the RPMs (Revolutions Per Minute) of a car’s engine go up and down, it indicates an issue with its performance. Various factors, such as a problem with the air intake system, fuel system, ignition system, or vacuum system, can cause this. Other possible causes include worn or damaged spark plugs, a clogged fuel filter, … Keep reading

Reasons Why Your Car Dies When Put in Gear

car dies when put in gear

1. Bad Idle Air Control Valve A bad idle control valve can cause a number of issues with your car, one of which is stalling when you shift gears. The idle control valve is responsible for regulating the amount of air that flows into the engine while it’s idle. If it’s faulty, it can cause … Keep reading